Notes on Ys Origin
Released in 2006, nearly 20 years after the original,
The game essentially has you play through three stories: that of Yunica Tovah, Hugo Fact, and the secret third story of Demon Toal Fact. Each story is very rewarding on its own and you should definitely play through them all, but if you're not ready to commit to three playthroughs then try playing the PC version on Very Easy mode and going through Hugo's story to unlock Toal's (which is the canon story leading into
(Yunica is wonderful, though, and I think her combat is better than Hugo's. So make your choice wisely.)
While I will not go into explicit plot details, here are some similarities and references between the three games:
- The game takes place at Darm Tower
- The three playable characters are children or grandchildren of the Six Priests of Ys, specifically Tovah and Fact
- It is revealed early on that Hugo Fact's brother is named Toal. Sounds similar to a Sanctuary in Ys II...
- Reah gives Demon Toal the Silver Bells (which later become an heirloom in Zeptik Village) as a thank you for the Silver Harmonica he once bestowed upon her
- In Rado's Annex (a familiar location), Feena tells Demon Toal that she suspects one of the Priests is leading the Darklings. Further, she posits that the only way to seal the corrupting influence of the Black Pearl would be to sacrifice her and Reah's wings, resulting in an indefinite sleep for the Twin Goddesses
- The double crossing Priest is, of course revealed to be (highlight for the one major spoiler left)
Cain Fact - now Cain Darm as he comes in and finishes off Dalles for good, promising rebirth in the future - Feena appears to grant Toal the Silver Sword, imbued with Cleria, lending an explanation for why it must be used to defeat Dark Fact in Ys I
- After Darm has been defeated, Toal is revealed as the progenitor of the idea for Six Books of Ys to warn and prepare future generations
Boss Comparisons
In addition to major story beats, a number ofThese images were taken under Creative Commons license from the Ys Wiki.