The Twin Goddesses

Image of the Twin Goddesses (as seen in Ys Origin) from the Isu Wiki

Portrait Name Information
Feena Imprisoned in the Solomon Shrine to begin the events of Ys I, until she is rescued by Adol and cared for by Jeba Tobah in Zeptik Village. Returns at the end of Ys II before the final battle against Darm.
Reah A mysterious blue-haired wanderer in Minea who tells Adol about her lost harmonics. Adol finds the silver harmonica in the Abandoned Mine and returns it to her. They later meet again in Rado's Annex where, Reah has been held captive. She gives Adol a hint to beating Dark Fact, and a Monocle to read the Books of Ys. She returns at the end of Ys II before the final battle against Darm.

The Six Priests of Ys

Image of the Six Priests of Ys from the Isu Wiki

Book (Ys I) Name Element
Priest Hadal Earth
Priest Tovah Power
Priest Dabbie Light
Priest Mesa Time
Priest Gemma Wisdom
Priest Fact Spirit